Thursday, September 10, 2009

Case 01

I think I understand Flash better after todays lab(Animajon og Interaktivitet I).
I`m so happy:)
The FlashGhost is getting smaler.
The sweet girls(two 2.year students) responsible for the lab today, was patient and helpful:)
Now I understand the meaning of using Layers and Ankerpoints. Learned how to use the Pentool.
I`ve also made up my mind and I have an idea for my game. I haven`t quite yet desided the design of my caracter..... Lot of pictures in my head. It will be a long and exciting day tomorrow(..Weekend).
Positive is the word describing my emotions right now.

Metode05 met today also.
Filled in the formes in Prosjektplan and we`re signing the Contract(for the group)on Monday.
I really hope we get it approved, so we don`t fall back.

New Post tomorrow when I have more to show you*


  1. Good thing you understood the program a bit more ;) I hope you come up with some nice ideas ;)

    But, one critic though. Bright blue on a white background just killed my eyes a little :P Please change!

  2. hahaha :)Sorry!
    I`ll change the colour

    ...tried to post a picture of my caracter..didn`t succeed
